I’ve said it in another thread it’s hard to accept that no one at the club picked up Marsh wasn’t eligible when at least one fan called it out an hour before the game on seeing Marsh on the team sheet
I’m reading a lot of right on sorts on here claiming sheer incompetence and whoever is responsible should be sacked and hung, drawn and quartered. The reality is that this is probably someone who relies on this job and would be thrown into absolute turmoil without this job. Maybe spare a bit of your empathy that you show for every other ethical issue on earth for the potential that someone, more than likely someone from our town, may lose their livelihoods over this.
The worst thing that ever happened to me was realising that despite it all none of this **** really matters.
Honest mistake that was pointed out on the clubs social media by a fan before we even kicked off. I blame the media team. We still had time to change the team.
The whole club has been collectively poor on this one seems unfair to suggest it is one person's fault. I'd expect the footballing side of the club to have a basic grasp of eligibility rules too.
No doubting that; I’m sure that most on this board have made mistakes in the course of their employment. The club did however refer to procedures being put in place to ensure that this kind of mistake isn’t made again. The issue for me is that this isn’t the first time that this kind of mistake has happened at the club. We appear to have been incredibly lucky at the last minute on the previous occasion where the mistake was spotted and rectified before serious harm was done. You’d have thought as a club that we’d learn from that, but clearly not.
I was wondering, as we knew last Friday what had transpired at Horsham would put us out of the Cup, might this have contributed to our less than scintillating performance yesterday?
So if we knew what had gone off last Friday, surely the club would have a fairly good idea at what the outcome would be so why on earth put Sutton tickets on sale?
A lot of people make honest mistakes. A lot of people lose their jobs because of honest mistakes too.
Not sure when or if they went on sale. I got details of prices but nothing to say when they went on sale to the various categories. Not that it made much difference to me as I'd no intention of going.
I’m not going to be happy until I find out who it is and I can follow them around and go through my full repertoire of booing
I thought they'd gone on sale on Friday but reading the thread on here, it looks like it was just prices announced. My bad.
I wonder if the person who feels bad about this honest mistake is the same person who felt bad about the honest mistake of signing up to hex without doing any diligence or the same person who feels bad whenever they put out an article on the website with big errors in them or the same person who felt bad for ******* supporters over by signing up to fanatics and the same person who felt bad for the honest mistake of ******* up the vouchers that fans paid for or the same person who felt bad for ******* up the digital access zone fans paid for or the same person who felt bad when the club got fined for not following the fa mandated action plan to prevent racist chanting or the same person... Oh you get the idea. We are a club that have cultured an environment where **** ups are expected and brushed under the carpet and excused as little oopsies. They aren't little oopsies, they're evidence of negligence that we see time after time after time and until the club deals with it and actually takes action against the people who are negligent in their duties then it will continue, it will continue to make us an embarrassment and it will continue to cost the club huge sums of money and reputation. In short it will continue to harm our club and it needs to be stopped. It wasn't too long ago that we had to pay a few million to sell a player due to a monumental **** up that I've never known another professional club make.
I'd like to think that whomever was involved with this outrageous ****-up are now uploading their CV to indeed.