A director of football will only be beneficial if the roles of said director, CEO and manager/coach are clearly defined and understood by all parties. Appointing such also requires a long-term plan by the board and a commitment to sticking to it in that long term and financing things properly, again for the long term, if needs be. I wont hold my breath.
A bloody good old fashioned manager would be nice, one that got the players he wanted and got shut of the rubbish himself. While they are at it a good CEO that knows what he is doing and knows what has to be done or that could maybe called club secretary just like Keith Holmes
Firstly, I’ve a lot of time for Neerav - he’s stepped up and put money in. I respect that. He and the board now have a clean sweep - Khaled was Conway’s appointment. Now we’ll see how the club can be formed going forward. A new era really - despite recent events, the future is still bright.
Didn't Donny put something like that for their head coach position on their site a few years ago? I'm sure I remember it and then Darren Moore applied for it and got the job. Maybe I'm merging multiple memories though
I was almost right. It was to replace Moore: https://www.doncasterroversfc.co.uk...rs-begin-recruitment-process-for-new-manager/
Unsurprisingly it's very reactive, but at least it is a move to try and change things. The appointment is obviously key, basically I'd be happy with anyone who is competent and doesn't have any attributes similar to Khaled.
You were sounding a good fit until the ugly bit, which doesn't seem to go with the "Visible presence" aspect of the job.
When I saw the posting on the official website, I was rather positive and excited. Then I worked my way through this thread and the positivity was wiped away. Can't people be happy and positive about anything the club does, and not try to see the negative before it even happens?
Ironically, only yesterday following the cup expulsion fiasco, I texted a friend saying we need a Director of Football and a Chief Operating Officer (or General Manager, if you prefer) to shake up the commercial/admin side where I see plenty of work for this role to shake up commercial relations (sponsorship etc), catering, communications, ticketing, improving admin staff capabilities etc. I don't see significant overlap between the two roles and I can't envisage the type of individual/experience that can be easily found to carry out a combined role: it would cost to get both but look how we all (?) complain about how amateurish is the running of the club.
I think it would work with a scaled down role, along the lines you suggest, but not with a role classed as the current CEO one is. Robert Zuk's job title is Finance & Operations Director, so potentially could cover the general manager aspects of the role. I'm not sure of his skill-set, other than being an accountant who initially worked for the club's auditors, so whether he's the 'right' person to take on a more public facing role is a consideration. He's always seemed to me to be someone who's comfortable being behind the scenes so far.
I think the statement itself is more a PR play aimed at fans and to quickly move on from the blunder than any potential applicant. I don't think there's anything wrong with that either, FWIW. Could be wrong though.
Imho its a great response and something we have lacked.....a football person to try make good football decisions (liasing with the board). We also need a separate person to do the commercial side of things. I also think it has proved our current CEO has not covered himself in glory in his tenure (generally) and the post is / was too much. Look forward to seeing who we get...we need a driven, positive type who knows players, deals, agents etc.