English culture includes Morris dancing, maypoles and chasing cheese down a hill. Yorkshire culture includes whippet racing and sword dancing. Scottish eating haggis and wearing skirts. Welsh speaking a language that was close to banned for centuries. Before Christianity we had the druids and various holidays we still celebrate today with a different name - Beltane (May Day), Samhain (Halloween), etc. There is no monolithic British culture. There are layers of imported culture that fit on top. Many of our ancestors were the Danes who worshipped Odin and Thor. Some were Romans who worshipped Jupiter and Saturn - and later Christ. Some were Jews, and others were Hindu and others Muslims. We live in a mish-mash of cultures. Oh, and "Cultural Marxism" is a far-right, antisemitic conspiracy theory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory). Please don't use it.
Cromwell was biggest hypocrite going. Brought down a King and then appointed himself Lord Protector (King).
Paul Greengrass made that exact point when promoting his film 22 July. I'm not so sure about the 'hate our culture' bit but if that is what people genuinely think then there is something to do, even if it is education. There is a reason all those people voted for him and whilst I wouldn't have been one of them, those people need to be heard, and urgently.