Latest reforms have been passed with massive opposition. Creating a Defence Union (Call it what you will, it's basically the pretext for a bunch of pen pushers in Brussels being able to create an army and force all members to send their children into the conflicts they feel fit. Creating an Energy Union (Wanting complete control of energy strategy rather than member states) Removing more and more VETOS for member states Our government made a right hash of the way Brexit was implemented, but it's better than what is going to happen over there. Give it 5 years and at least 1 of Poland, Netherlands or Italy will be trying to get out of the power hungry superstate. It should have remained a simple trading relationship with freedom to work and travel to other member states. None of this power grab politics. 100% the UK would still be a member now if it hadn't turned into the monster it is slowly developing. It's not surprising how the trade unions were anti EU years ago, but they eventually got dragged into the EU rose tinted mutton brigade.
A lot of people didn't realise that the treaty of lisbon effectively created a superstate, an entity in itself, rather than just a collective of nations (that's the one Blair promised us a referendum on but then Brown signed it on his own and refused to be in the group photo). Treaty of Lisbon is why no-one broke ranks to negotiate with us independently post Brexit. Having said that the politicians should have made us aware of that as part of the Brexit debate as it was legally inevitable Hungary and Poland currently are at loggerheads with the EU over lots of things but the EU seem happy to gloss over them. It is also going to be interesting what happens in Holland if teh election winner forms a coalition The treaty set the ground rules for a unified defence force and policy and mutual assistance. I'd say the judgement on its effectiveness could be seen when Finland and Sweden faced with a bellicose Russia on their doorsteps didnt seem to put much faith in it and ran to NATO membership
Anyone who voted for Brexit was just a racist protest voter and a Tory voting biggot with no moral compass. BBS 2023.
Most of them were, because they couldn’t even begin to understand what the 2 previous posters have put.
And yet Brexit has done deep and lasting damage to the country. What was the poll I saw today? I think 67% in favour of rejoining. Because most people now realise they were lied to. Fundamentally and repeatedly.
It's happening for defence! Read the new agreements that have been passed. Created the biggest kickback of EU history, bar us having the sense to leave that is. We relied on our veto trump card but they are removing most of these as well. It wouldn't be long til they gave us an ultimatum, drop the veto or we will not be able to take part in certain activities. Don't blame brexit, blame the way our politicians handled it across all parties, those trying to overturn the result and equally those who implemented it.
I'm glad that we got out of Europe so our decisions could be made by those elected people like Dominic Cummings And David Cameron
Easy to break things, isn't it? Despite reportedly growing numbers saying they now recognise brexit was a mistake I can't see that rejoining will ever be likely in my lifetime. I would imagine that the other member states would be unlikely to re-admit us without our signing up to the single currency. This would create new howls of protest and allow the charlatans who engineered the original split to advance further untruths and issue scurrilous right wing rallying cries. So on we stutter, with a 4% hit in GDP and a failing economy, declining public services and record levels of legal and illegal immigration. I wonder if they've any more bright ideas for us?
The opening post by MDG is spot on, it should have been what is started as which was a European common market of trade without barriers. Once it started interfering in domestic issues it was always going downhill. still think we should have been in the tent p*ssing out tho,
For what it's worth I wouldn't have favoured us being in a European army. I don't think we would have been. The reality now is that we are a country much less politically powerful than we were because we have surrendered our influence within europe and we have an army so small it would fit inside Old Trafford abd completely incapable of independent action. Still...that oven ready deal etc eh?
I think from my reading of this There is an increase in powers for the EU regulator to manage market manipulation in the energy sector to ensure fair and transparent pricing across the block. Not sure an energy union is a fair comment. Only a provisional decision at the moment Cannot find anything on the defence side apart from one conservative leaning website using the same "superstate" line as the OP I think there are many faults to the EU and it will come under increased pressures with the Holland election result this week as well as Poland and Hungary continuing to complain, but the self inflicted sanctions we have experienced as part of Brexit means we would have been far better off being in the group as a key member influencing the policies than sat on the outside of all trade blocks slowing losing all influence in the world. Most EU regulations were UK lead......