Why would it be closed match day ? That said not seen anything official on it’s opening date, to me the road layout still needs changing due to where you have to cross the road.
When does work start on the bridge to get us over to the other side of the road after crossing the railway.
I can't wait personally. A couple of questions for you if you happen to know the answers. The sides of the bridge are each end under it are currently just basically railings but it looks a bit naff. Any idea if they're supposed to be getting cladding on them? It looks that way from the original graphics but so far I haven't seen any and it's not long till opening. And the car park doesn't light up at night anymore. Any idea why that is? Would look amazing as you said before all in red, carpark, underpass and bridge
The eastern end has been clad; it's a similsr colour to that of the Glassworks carpark drum. I think they are waiting to finish the paving before they clad the western end.
Brilliant. I didn't notice that last night to be honest. I'm glad though, it will make a big difference to it's looks
Yes, it's all cladded I hope they switch the car park light wall back on, didn't realise they had switched it off, hopefully only while the works were going on.
I can't wait. Next random question. Do I remember correctly in thinking that one of the reasons for the original crossing closure was so that the signalling work and monitoring could all be done remotely instead of having to have a control box next to the station? If so I hope that they knock down that box next to the bridge, looks so ugly.
I think the original plan was a bridge just about in-line with it, essentially coming out from where the cinima is now. This got altered to the current scheme when the glass works got scaled back. As for the box, I thought signalling was done from York or somewhere, though the box does seem to be occupied sometimes.
Some railway preservation groups will be up in arms if that signal box is destroyed. Part of railway heritage. Needs to be lifted intact and transported somewhere nice, unless it falls to bits