Eh? Haven't the delays to the building of the bridge actually given a lot more time to install a pedestrian crossing on the unrelated road near the crossing?
Not if works have to be complete in a certain order, or if funding for said crossing was from a specific budget that hasn’t been allocated yet. It certainly wasn’t part of the same works as the bridge. You can’t just move things around like that. Besides, this is all speculation anyway. We don’t know if the bridge will be closed on match days for the time being, or the reason why if it is, so what does it matter? I was simply suggesting that the police haven’t backtracked and said the bridge is on the wrong side.
The two at the bridge side are to stop traffic coming down, much better than the dangerous free for all it used to be. I'd shut all 4 slip roads, open the car parks 15 mins after the game and divert the queen's ground car park onto Pontefract road.
Pontefract road can't take any more cars on it on matchdays. It needs less not more. What I would do is get police or traffic management to direct traffic on matchdays as follows. Away fans exit as the do now but can only go straight ahead at the exit of bala street. Straight forward using only the right hand lane of Pontefract road and then right turn down harborough hill towards Asda and back up old mill lane heading out towards the motorway. Home fans would come along Pontefract road and turn left up harborough hill towards the Alhambra. Close both exit slips off. That would create a large safe area for pedestrians to walk across the road towards the bridge Obviously it would need the island's reconfiguring but I think it would be the safest way to separate foot and vehicle traffic while also being quick at giving both sets of fans unhindered egress from the area onto harborough hill in both directions.