Garnacho for man utd. Dare I say tops Sinclairs against us. Hope this works. Edit. sorry Archie. I've just noted the other thread. But here you can see it.
If you say so For me 1 Garnacho Overhead kick. 2 Sinclair's scissor/bicycle kick. 3 Rooney a bit of both. All fantastic btw. But imo Rooney's has been copied before and after many times. Without the credit of the name.
It was better than Sinclair and Rooney he had to move to connect with the ball he wasn’t,t stationary.
just looked back at sinclairs goal. think sinclairs is a fraction. was there that day and we were all completely stunned.
Ditto can remember driving to Birmingham after for a party and being bewildered and in an amazed stupor.
Sinclair's for me. Quite a bit further out as I recall. Pretty much everyone in the away end stood up & applauded.
And we all, to a man (woman and child ) Applauded. Goal of the season on motd. I was fortunate to be on the front row.
Edge of the area just outside. I seem to recall. In fact its forever etched in my mind. Tbh it's a tough decision between the 2. And I wouldnt argue much for one over the other. Both fantastic as I say. As for Rooney's. Seen many equal without the fame so to speak. I'll give it a 9 lol. The others 10.
Do you reckon I scored it too highly lol. I've taken the privilege of changing to a 6. and that's being kind.
1. Sinclair 2. Garnacho seriously still can’t believe how good Sinclairs goal was . Best goal I’ve ever seen live
Beats both Sinclair and Rooney for me, Watson was off his line and Sinclair had a full goal to hit from a central position, Garnacho was at a tighter angle and had to hit the top bins otherwise it would have been saved. All three great, mind. This goal below doesn't get the attention it deserves.