The bit about been told by the board about youth when he took the job is interesting. Strong rumors duff got told the same after Wembley along with players would be sold, he then decided it wasn't for him.
It has always been my assumption that the club's plans contributed to Duff's decision to leave. Never bought this idea that there was nothing we could do once the bright lights of Swansea came calling. And to be honest, if he's been told that they would replace Mads Andersen with Kacper Loparta and Mael De Gevigney, can you blame him? But on the idea of a coach being given a remit to create a pathway for academy players, I thought that would be common sense for a club on a more limited budget. But at the same time, we've gone out and signed Dallas, Cosgrove and Watters while Marsh and Jalo were coming through. We've signed a loan player to be second choice left wing back rather than promote from within. Not much of the recruitment makes sense on paper, so much so that I've not been able to bring myself to drive across the pennines to see if it makes sense on grass so far this season.