When the North Stand roof actually blows off and kills someone. When the wooden seats of the West Stand upper tier actually catch fire etc.
It's my feeling towards football in general. I've been slowly losing interest over the last 10 years but my love for BFC remained. Until the last few years when I've started feeling similar towards my club too. Everything is so transient, no-one hangs around for long, nothing to connect to, a feeling of just being a customer. I've discussed with my brother not getting a ST for last couple of seasons, but have done so in the end, more for the fact that my old man still wants to go and I don't want to rob him of that in his golden years. But this is probably my last season with a ST, we've had discussions, he's not been so good this year and going less and less, only been to 3 games so far. Sad, but my love has gone.
I was ready to walk away most of all about the west stand debacle you don't treat long standing loyal fans like that and I didn't buy the explanation. The reorganisation of the board helped convince me even though I had at the back of my mind is it smoke and mirrors. The single most important reason was young Alfie like most 10yrs old who attend he really loves the club his enthusiasm is infectious and I couldn't take that away from him. I hope they get the appointment of the dof right because someone who understands the game is pivotal. This closed season is massive for me there's going to be a big change of player's more than usual,we have proper funds available the recruitment needs to be good. My gut feeling this board do care, I have no way of knowing I just hope my gut is right.
I'm in a similar mindset, I'll always support Barnsley they are my team I've supported them for over 40 years but I'm so disenfranchised now after a series of bad managerial decisions, selling players cheaply, no loyalty towards season ticket holders that have stuck by through thick and thin just expectation we'll cough up in April before the early bird deadline, I'm done with attending, dont mind admitting I go to Man City games cos I've grown fond of their mantra, Pep, the community engagement, style of football, match day experience and I don't really care if that sounds plastic we live in a new era, if we are treated like customers then we should act like them.
I don't think its that they don't care, I just think no one seems to either know how to run a football club or wants to learn.
Clowns to left of us jokers to the right here i am stuck in the middle with you. Lions led by donkeys. I remember us when we were an English club, now we are turning American. Just a view from a lapsed customer.
Lost faith whe they treated my daughter like ***** in box office didn't care one bit stupidly i renewed our season tickets against better judgement never again not one more penny out of me
In all honesty, I've never gone to Oakwell because of the hierarchy, and certainly at the minute, I'm going in spite of it. I still live off the notion that the club was there before them, and it'll be there after them. As Gally mentions above, I've often found the criticism levelled at the board, or powers that be, quite knee jerk. However, I have no quarms with the criticism levelled at them this season in particular. Whatever has happened to Khaled needed to be addressed months ago, because for me, it's evident he hasn't been in post for quite some time. I have no connection with football aside from Barnsley. I don't care for the Premier League, or even the championship when we're not in it. I don't blame anyone for feeling disconnected from the club, and I hope one day, we have a regime in charge again which will actually try to build bonds with the community, like the current one began to do last season (but quickly abandoned). With the way football has gone though, I'm not holding my breath.
You may well be right that the club will continue after these owners are gone. However, for me football as a game globally has been taken over by money, capitalism, men in suits (call it what you will) and that has happened at Barnsley as well. Consequently players are now commodities much more than they were 20/30 years ago. Fans are not really fans but customers. Any decisions taken are taken for the benefit of the business not the community in which the club is based. The current board have put money in recently which is a good thing obviously but I am yet to be convinced that ultimately the club is being run for the benefit of the club's sake. When I feel that the club is genuinely concerned about little people like me Ill start going a lot more. The club is in decline and is not really loved by the owners for itself. I have been convinced of this ever since Cryne sold the club and have no reason to change my view. Spectamur Agendo. Aye ok.
I look at going to the match as a totally different experience than going in the 70s 80s it’s a massively different beast love Reds always my team but the game itself has changed beyond recognition to me
If they care so much then why have they stuck two fingers up at supporters who have had issues all season? If they care so much then why didn't they care enough to give you, the supporters trust, an explanation regarding the Horsham match? It's all well and good blaming it all on Khaled now that he's leaving and of no use to the trust but come on, his enployers could easily have spoken so why didnt they? We've seen this silence from them before too.
I think this thread sums a lot up. Whether its Khaled as the CEO, individual who tracks player availability or the safety officer, the chain of events is much more than one person. I genuinely feel we have systemic issues in our club and the overall governance is lacking. The examples we have seen this last 3-4 seasons demonstrate that.
Imho....I think they do care and have chucked some money into the club. However I do believe,( let's call it their learning curve) has so far been unimpressive. They seem to not look at our history either to try better us. One good season (last) followed by poor decisions on and off the field, has been replicated far too many times now. Please board ...sit down with the supporters club (or what ever its called) just as a start and talk... short, medium and long term progression. I personally don't want to know every decision they make just major ones, once in a while. Please note...please listen to the fan base...we can help.
Overall, I'm comfortable with the main shareholders in terms of their commitment to the club. They've willingly funded it since taking over, and have done so in a way that doesn't burden it with debt. Neither Neerav or JAQ are based locally to BFC, so it's unreasonable to expect them to have hands on control of day to day issues. They've entrusted that role to the incumbent CEO. Unfortunately, the evidence of this season is that, for whatever reason, he's performed inadequately in the role, with a number of avoidable issues generating ill-will from the fan-base and being compounded by him adopting a tactic of being largely silent and mostly invisible. The news of his planned departure is no surprise, and perhaps inevitable given that he was appointed on a fixed-term contract for reasons perhaps only Paul Conway can explain. However, the end result appears to be something of a power vacuum at the club. Long-term, we can perhaps look forward to an improvement in the day to day running of the club when a replacement CEO is in place alongside the new Director of Football role that has been created. The big concern is the apparent intention to leave the incumbent in place in the meantime, potentially through the January transfer window, and beyond. His absence from next week's fan forum is very telling. However, the potential for further damage to be inflicted as a consequence of further mis-management (or perhaps non-management if he's no longer in role) on a day to day basis is a huge concern, and we're reaching a critical stage in terms of impacting where the club finishes the season, in terms of league position. Player recruitment, outgoing sales, and potentially a decision about the head coach are all potentially going to be on the agenda in the coming weeks and I'm not sure who's going to have overall responsibility for those decisions at present. We can't reasonably expect one of the board to up sticks and put themselves in temporary control to see us through this period, but I would like to hope that there's an interim solution in place. Unfortunately, there's no evidence of such at the moment.
Season ticket holder in Ponty end and I’m going to home games up to end of this year and if nothing changes,certainly regarding playing style and intensity then I’m done and won’t be renewing my season ticket.All I want as a supporter is players giving 100% some excitement and a little bit of pride and passion and I’m not seeing it under Collins.
Rather have an early night than having to sit in Oakwell with a dead atmosphere in the cold watching us trying to blag a style of football. I’m not wanting Collins out but a poor result tonight and surely questions have to be asked.
This lot are a joke I was unhappy with conman and Lee and still think they have alot to answer for and took the club back years. I enjoyed it when Patrick senior was in charge at least we all knew his intentions were good and he was one of us. He got alot of stick from some fans but I would have him back in a flash he did his best with the money he had. I think since Lee and conman took the club back years lying to the fans on a regular basis and people buying into it it's hard to trust again and there's a bad feel around the club now. I think what we need is similar to a local rugby club (wakefield) who have just been took over blokes put investment made good signings, fans have supported there's a feel good factor round the club. That's what barnsley fc needs.