Not heard anything at all about him for ages now. What was the nature of his injury?Not seen him on any of the ifollow training videos either. I say this as he is a big tall centre back who we could do with right now.
Just seen BFC page and it's gluten and hip apparently but "working on the grass", according to Collins. Roberts too is close but can't see it by Wycombe game.
I said a few months ago would it be wise to let them two go. I was deemed as being unfair, but it must be at least a year now that they haven't featured at all with anything. Only thing i remember about Cundy is him posing in front of the roundabout. As for McCarthy i can't even remember his first name!
McCarthy did his ACL and was out for almost a year. He’s played a few cup games so far this season. Cundy on the other hand, looks like he’s made out of ryvita.