Just booked two tickets for my daughter at Anfield...only £177 each...who said Springsteen tickets were expensive
Becoming expensive now going to a gig . Depeche mode £144 at the O2 in January for good seats. However Robert Smith from The Cure went to war with ticketmaster in the summer on their North American tour and the tickets were reasonably priced. I went to toronto and montreal and paid no more than £60 per gig for good seats
Even £60 is a sting. I understand that the overheads of putting on an arena gig must be stratospheric these days, but £100+ is getting into the unaffordable category for most people, especially if you've got a family of 3 or 4 going. Another case of the general public being priced out of stuff.
Wow! Think my daughters going to be doing security at some of those concerts, she's looking forward to the Taylor Swift one.
The costs are higher, but the income is much higher than a smaller gig. 10,000 tickets at £100 a go is £1m for a night. Pink at Anfield will probably sell 50-60,000 tickets. £170 each you are looking at something approaching £10m for 1 night - before you even get to drinks, food and merch. I know promoters, the venue, the taxman, etc will all take their share, but its still a lot of coin.
I paid £150 for 2 tickets in 2004 for McCartney at Sheffield arena a snip compared to prices nowadays
... and then there's Paul Heaton. £30 max, and he puts money behind the local bars to support the industry.
I paid £12.50 to see Hey Colossus at the White Hotel in Salford in October and it was superb value. Get yourself to independent venues to see smaller acts, that's where the value is.
Bought 2 tickets for Rhod Gilbert £70 £16 on top for the pleasure of doing it myself, I know I didn't have to buy them but everyone is doing it. It's like putting service charges on your restaurant bill , soon chippies will be doing it.
My daughter goes to a lot of these type gigs around the country with people I’ve not heard of in pubs/clubs that hold around 100 people and pays between £30-£50 on average.
I've just shown Grainne this thread and she said, Springsteen is touring again next year so I said I'd have a look at the ticket prices. Belfast was the nearest with any tickets left. I was put off by the price to be honest. She then showed me a picture on her phone with a picture of Springsteen and Two tickets written underneath. She'd bought them last month! She's just brilliant. I don't know what I did to deserve her.
A lot of it is because artists don't make as much money fron streaming/downloads etc as they used to do on CD's and Records so they sting as much as they can for gigs.
Booked tickets to see Sea Power at Leadmill in Feb. £25 a ticket, £3 booking fee per ticket plus a £1 transaction fee for the privilege of downloading E tickets....