Been looking for the last 4 days. It's a 21 plate vauxhall mokka, courtesy car from enterprise. my Peugeot 308 has the feature but that's easy to find.
I have it on my car & it works great. It's quite a big petrol car, with a big boot & does over 60 to the gallon. Idling at junctions obviously puts up fuel consumption. I guess if you don't like it, turn it off.
What’s the problem with it? If you don’t like it turn it off, i’m just curious what is so bad about it. I’ve driven a few cars with it now and I can’t say i’ve ever even particularly noticed it other than the rev gauge going to 0 instead of 1,000 while stopped…
My current and previous car has had it, not sure why it is an issue. You have to put it into neutral to let it kick in anyway. Good when waiting at lights etc.
I'm not a fan. However I've only had it with automatics where it seems a nonsense. I generally switch it off when I start a journey. It *might* save fuel, but there is a school of thought that it leads to increased battery and / or alternator damage. There are so many journies where traffic is gridlocked and you are crawling along; surely it can't do your engine much good if there are 50 restarts as you shuffle through a mile of traffic. Also, to get onto our drive, I have to drive past it by a few feet and reverse in. As I change from D to R the damn thing kicks in .......... a minor annoyanace but hey ......... I'm old and miserable.
Like I say, decent when at traffic lights and you've got the handbrake on, not something I use in traffic situations.
Probably the worst feature on a car. Deffo the driver, unless it's me. As for a proper answer I like it on my Fiat 500X it is a little hit and miss but really good round town.
The hit and miss is probably because you don't do enough mileage, if you just potter around town then the battery doesn't get enough charge so it doesn't do it. I had a Leon Cupra and it only did it for first 2/3 months of me having it and only the odd time in the remaining 2 years, it literally never left Barnsley so wasn't getting enough charge
Not nearly as bad as the feature that turns you back into your lane if you go over the central white lines. So if a pedestrian steps off the pavement, your car actively tries to run them over and you have to fight it to stop it doing so. Who on earth thought that was a good idea and how is it legally allowed?
I dislike anything that tries to do my thinking for me - auto settings for lights, wipers, etc. When I'm in my car, I want to be in control of everything.
I think the pedestrian would prefer me to swerve to avoid them rather than waste time indicating I'm thinking of taking avoiding action
Essentials: accelerator, brake, clutch, gear stick, indicators and I suppose seat belts as they are the law Good to have: windscreen wipers, mirrors, some form of demisting situation for the windscreen Luxuries: heater, manual window winders, speedometer, temperature gauge and fuel gauge, heated rear window, hand brake, locks for the doors Entirety superfluous: All the other gubbins that I have no idea how to work and never touch. There are 4 sticks coming from my steering wheel and an entire central console unit with onboard computer and I have no idea what any of it does.