And I've read up on it too as well as visiting most of the ancient sites around Lake Nasser, Luxor, Cairo, Athens, Corinth etc and I think my opinion is valid too.
Course it is. Wish I got paid enough to visit the sites - unfortunately museum work is tragically underpaid.
Well, I wouldn't say we were rich to be able to do it but I'm glad we did. The Lake Nasser bit was amazing especially Abu Simbel. Jeez it was hot though! I'd think twice about doing it again. Our visit to Egypt was sandwiched between the Cairo museum being bombed and twenty odd tourists being killed at the Temple of Hatshepsut. It was a long time ago!
But they will look how they should be back in their original position. They were part of something, not a stand alone item. I'm glad they're going back, the British museum has has the benefit of them for centuries now.
Back in the news I see. Rishi canceled a meeting with the Greek PM, cos he has dared to speak publicly about wanting them to be returned. How dare he!?!? Apparently they can change laws to circumnavigate Supreme Court ruling on asylum, but can't change laws to give a country the property back that we stole from them. Give them back, you colonialist Tory thieves.
Technically they weren’t stolen , Elgin had permission to take the artefacts from the Ottoman authorities , who were Turks so didn’t give a chuff about them , and when they were bought by the Government a few years later an enquiry deemed they had been acquired legally . Now Greece has the ability to look after them which has only really happened in the last 15 yrs they should be permanently loaned back
They were 'given permission' to remove them by a different country, and the inquiry that concluded they had been acquired legally, was led by the country that removed them in the first place. They should be given back.
Well it’s a good job we paid for them. Tell them to deposit the money the British tax payer bailed the Greek economy out with and give them back.
Totally irrelevant. However if that's your angle, we should also include the amount of money the British empire siphoned from other countries through colonial rule. Indian colony alone, is estimated at around $45 TRILLION.
Greece was not a country until 30 years after Mr Elgin had these marbles removed. So we can't have nicked them from Greece the country.
I do find it odd, the lengths some people will go to, to defend British actions that are just clearly, morally wrong.
Pointing out your simple inacurracy regarding the creation of Greece as a country does not amount to a justification on your part to stick me in the marble hoarding camp. Are we not allowed to point out basic facts on here, without "some people" jumping to irrational conclusions?
I googled it mate. Now I’m confused why at school I was taught about the ancient Greeks. Ancient Greek Olympics and the Greeks v Trojan wars. Looks like my head is full of nonsense. Although many have told me that in the past.