Okey doke. However the technical inaccuracy you pointed out, was challenging the notion that they were stolen. A cynical mind might suggest that's because you don't believe they were stolen. But if that's not what you're saying, and you actually do agree they were stolen, fair dos.
Tories never miss an opportunity to try and Stoke up something to create Nationalist outrage especially if there’s an election on the horizon
Didn't bubonic plague come from Europe? Let's give them that back, that should show em. Johnny foreigner coming over here, demanding we give things back.
I don't get why we care. We all know that morally they should be in Greece even if legally we own them. So why not just give them anyway? Do people flock to the UK in their millions to see this one exhibit?
The utter irony is that one of the biggest arguments has been that 'we can guarantee their safety', and there was concern that other countries weren't big enough or grown up enough to look after their own things. Until around August, when it actually turns out the inventory system is written in crayon, and literally thousands of artefacts have been pilfered by Museum staff.
I thought our government had decided that we did actually legally own them. Can't say fairer than that. Must be reight.
Including what they have nicked off the English. They won't let you in there though.. imagine the gossip of folk walking out after a visit "fuçk me, so there isn't a god then"