Got to be honest here. When I had the privilege of seeing her I thought there was not a lot of life in her. But interesting act all the same. R.I.P. Vicky.
Never realised she was Spanish, I’ve always assumed she was english, Benidorm is a place I’ve never been.
Was having a short break with the family in Alicante a few years ago so we decided to take the tram down to Benidorm for a day. This was in early May so nowhere near peak season, but it was a bit of an eye-opener. A bizarre mix of the Rockport and Stone Island crew out on the lash, interspersed with geriatrics, many of whom were equally as off the rails. The main promenade is extremely hazardous due to the number of mobility scooters being driven recklessly without any thought given to pedestrian safety. My favourite was a woman who must have been well on in her 80's, tearing round like Lewis Hamilton on her scooter, with her prosthetic leg balanced across the handlebars.
Whilst ending up in a bar she was performing at. I saw bugger all. as the women in the audience were more intrigued than the men. And Stood at the front. (That's what I thought anyway rather than mischievously blocking hubby's/partners view ) RIP Ms Leyton.
Folk always say to me that I’d love the old town, having viewed it on YouTube I think their idea of old town and my idea of old town are miles apart,