Absolutely no doubt about it. He was trying to buy a foul, It was a pathetic dive, and it's falling down that caused him to spill the ball, not the push. However it was a push, and I reckon 99 out of 100 times the decision would have gone his way. On this rare occasion, the ref has at least been consistent. He's not given a straight red, not given a pen and not blown for this.
Agree totally with Ringo and Marc: the goalkeeper was not stationary and barged over by Cosgrove. He turns his right shoulder and leans forward into Cosgrove who puts his hands up, touches goalie but does not push him in any meaningful sense of the word and the goalie goes down dramatically. I should point out that, if the boot were on the other foot, I would be absolutely furious at a Barnsley keeper who behaved in that fashion i.e. putting his team in danger in such a reckless fashion unnecessarily. My only hope would have been that, because goalkeepers are usually given the freedom of the penalty area, the ref would give a foul. The Wycombe manager in the interview was hoping that too - but, from his words you can also infer he's pretty mad with his goalkeeper. I actually left about 87th minute saying to my brother "I've seen enough" because we were playing so poorly and off our game (whatever it is). I only got to hear that we'd won when I got back to Wetherby and he rang me to tell me we'd won
Looking at it again, I think I've got to admit its a slight (no more than that) push from Cosgrove. Certainly not enough though to make an opponent flop down like the keeper did. So 'morally' if there is such a thing, maybe the ref has done the right thing and allowed it. I can't decide though whether he dropped the ball deliberately or not lol.
I don't think he dropped it on purpose as he panicked like **** when he'd lost it, just in case the ref wasn't going to give a foul. Ha haa.
What will really put the cherry on this particular cake would be to see Wycombe get relegated by a single point in May. Then they could join that other club in Lancashire who blame us for ever for everything that goes wrong for them. You can see the complaints coming out: “Those dirty, cheating northern monkeys deprived us of the point that would have kept us up”. I really, REALLY want this to happen!
My only take on this is that if the keeper picked up the ball earlier than allowing Cosgrove to challenge him it would never have happened. He didn’t he allowed the opportunity for the challenge and deserves all that happened after the fact.