But you've linked to a different phrase. I've never heard anyone say or use the term 'blistering cold'. Also don't forget that bfc is a multi million pound turnover business, not a kids nursery. Excusing things because of employee inexperience and naivety leads to things like getting kicked out of the cup.
See my post. Google blistering cold along with any reputable news outlet/magazine and you’ll get hits. It’s completely nuts people are pulling the club up for this of all things. Moronic even.
Sure. Either way it means extreme cold and either way it’s still used extensively. Im really surprised follk arent aware of it as a phrase. I didnt say kids by the way I said students. Last time I checked they dont go to nursery. Again put the club down for trying to give opportunities to local young people who want a career in journalism.
The use of "blistering" doesn't bother me, though it is unusual. What does bother me is the generally poor grammar and this is far from an isolated example. We're a professional football club. By all means let youngsters learning their trade write match reports but for heaven's sake have someone ckeck and edit them before they're put out. Anything less makes us look....not professional. No serious newspaper would just print a rookie journalist's copy without editing it. Why should our standards be lower?