Good old Maggie (apparently)
We’re absolutely fkd, when the main Tory opposition is openly praising the most evil Tory of them all, in order to secure their votes.
Jesus….how low will he stoop to get votes? Can’t believe any Labour leader would ever come out with that.
I think that's me done. I think Ill be abstaining, voting green or Lib Dem next election. The guy is a disgrace.
I’m not a Starmer fan - but it’s quite obvious what he’s trying to achieve with his comments. Don’t know what the fuss is about. To win an election, you have to grab the minds of some of the opposition voters. Simple.
Anyone praising Thatchers legacy should be nowhere near power. Pretty much everything wrong with this country is a result of her vile policies from homelessness to poverty and all points in between. It’s interesting calculation to chase the votes of racist gammons who won’t vote for him anyway while ignoring your actual voter base who you assume have nowhere to go due to FPTP. if you win an election with zero principles or policies that create real change then its completely meaningless. Simple.
The next general election should be the easiest Labour victory in the history of the party. If they just shut up and kept their head down they'd win,, such is the state of the Tory party and the litany of unforgivable atrocities during their watch. They'd win simply by not being the Tory party. Labour supporters vote Labour, centrists vote Labour to get the Tories out. Starmer seems intent on convincing everyone that Labour are just like the ******** everyone hates, alienating the core vote and failing to provide the alternative to the very people he's attempting to appeal to. There's every chance he's going to miss the gaping open goal he's been presented with.
Well done Sir Keir. The man actively doesn't want my vote with what he says. He talks about 'his' party leaving him and acting to fix it. Incredible. The man who lied so 'his' party gave him the leadership, then proceeded to turn his back on what he'd pledged and now effectively accuses his own membership of being enemies not allys. I'm a Labour member and have never voted otherwise but how can I vote for them when they publically belittle the views which made me join the party in the first place?
"Margaret Thatcher sought to drag Britain out of its stupor by setting loose our natural entrepreneurialism.” Doesn’t seem to be the most revelatory comment in history. seems spot on. As Jay says an absolutely open goal that Starmer seems determined to miss
A think we’d get 2 better folk off the BBS to run the country rather than these 2 fukits who are wearing red and blue ties!!