Although the pigs have completely forgot about that moment... convenient. It was the main Sky Sports headline for the game. He'll be sending Chansiri a Christmas card, thanking him for the early retirement, he needs to send one to SWFC fans as well - he'll be blowing their hard earned ST money shortly.
Imho a very good striker for us and at league one level. Okay ish in champ too...we have had far better but played in a very good time with good players...don't begrudge him his move just the way he went about it.
Can't think of many better - probably one of best finishers I've seen at Oakwell. 41 in 97 goals is decent - won't be many we've had here with that kind of goals to game ratio
One of, if not the, best strikers I've seen in a Reds shirt. Not the best player, although he was a good one, and not the best player in that position, but right up with the best if not the best at putting the ball in the back of the net. Those two goals against Walsall, I can feel the hair standing up on the back of my neck, it was... out of this world. I know a lot of Barnsley fans don't like him because of the way he left. That doesn't bother me. I like him because that season was amazing and his contribution was phenomenal. It was a great time to support Barnsley.
But it was greener because he got a 3 year deal at Wednesday on 19k a week almost 3 million pound over 3 years.
I think the way he left and the timing of that departure around Rimmo's passing was unforgivable. Good striker, i wouldn't say the best I've ever seen but good nonetheless and made better by a very good team with Hourihane and Hammill supplying endless quality ammunition. He probably knew that team was about to be broken up and obviously it's a short career and he was offered big money so I can't blame him for leaving but I'll never forgive the lack of respect shown in his departure.
Solid servant and striker deserved a move but we had the best of him as it turned out, definitely not one of the best I've ever seen though, going back through the years since 1997, these were all better IMHO: Morris Woodrow Chaplin Moore Craig Davies Bogdanovic Chopra Dyer Shipperley Ward Hendrie Fyortoft
It’s funny how fans react to players moving on. CH retained all the goodwill when he took the big money for his move to Villa. SSW though was the devil incarnate for doing the same. Is it just geography? If he’d gone further down the A61 (to Derby maybe) would his reputation have survived? Players like this are a privilege to watch because he scored regularly. That was bound to get him a big money move at some point. I’ve no problem with that.
People saying he made the wrong call - that entire team got ripped apart 6 months later, and we were relegated. He doesn't get the same move if he sticks with us for 18 months. He went at his high point of value, it was our problem he wasn't locked in, not his.
A very good player for us who created some amazing memories with that performance and those goals against Walsall. Me and the Missis celebrate Sam Winnall day every year as ike of our best days together. As Jay says earlier in the thread the individual components of his game may not have touched the abilities of others but in terms of finishing he was one of the best I’ve ever seen play for us. His injury record after he left shows he made the right decision. He has financial security and a future where he can pursue a career he enjoys. The fans who whinge about him moving would have Ben making ‘he’s made of glass’ get shut comments if he had been injured all the time had he stayed.
It was a combination of things. Giving arsey interviews, referring to Rimmo as ‘the kit man’, been the first out the door & joining Wednesday. Hourihane never ushered a bad word about the club & was completely respectful every time he came back. He gave interviews to local media & even podcasts after departing. Came across as a complete class act. I don’t think Winnall’s behaviour on the pitch ever made him a loveable figure either. Berating youngsters for wayward passes & coming across as a whiner whether he was playing for or against us. Winnall made a decision to effectively end his career as a regular starter in the championship for a pay day due to Fletcher, Rhodes, Forestieri, Nuhiu, Joao etc but in the end it proved to be the right one with the 18k a week wages. Although it says he’s starting a new career I doubt he has to work again if he invested that money correctly.
He showed total disregard for both Rimmo and the fans when leaving. Players come and go all the time but there's always a right way to leave. It's a mark of the man I suppose.
Decent enough striker for us but not in my top 10. Don't give a monkeys whether he went to Sheffield or Leeds as long as we got good money. I doubt he even knew Rimmo but if the club were that bothered about the timing they could have insisted it wasn't announced until the day after Rimmos funeral.
spot on! BFC arranged things - the Club could have postponed things - and the timing of any announcement was up to the Club. Have never understood why Winnall got so much flak. Excellent player and good luck to him in the future.