I'd commend her interview with Alistair Campbell/Rory Stewart on their 'The Rest Is Politics: Leadership' podcast. Anyone who describes her as 'thick' misunderstands the difference between education and intelligence. She is a phenomenal politician who has done remarkably well to achieve what she has given that her opportunities have been way more restricted than many of us on here. Searingly honest, and genuinely committed to making things better for people - especially those who are disadvantaged. She is a terrific foil for Sir Keir.
I wanted her to run for leader last time round - thought she had much more about her than RLB. I'd love to see her in the top seat in the future.
I listened to it yesterday. She came across well and her journey from no qualifications and pregnancy at 16 to where she is now is amazing. The Rest is Politics podcast is always really interesting and entertaining.
Unfortunately, she would be regarded by some as not having the right accent for centre ground voters. Whether we like that or not, it does seem to matter.
Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart, between them, produce very entertaining and sometimes illuminating podcasts.
I've always liked her and i genuinely think she'd be a better leader than the charlatan but i was very disappointed that they all stuck by him regarding the ceasefire. Big respect to those like Jess phillips and a couple more that put their humanity before their careers.
Met her at a couple of business events. She comes across really well. Genuine and able to analyse things in detail which is beyond most politicians. For a clever Labour Party she is that essential link between a London based party that represents the middle classes and its industrial northern roots.
You can have the best education money can buy and still have nothing going on upstairs ( ahem-Johnson-ahem)
I don’t doubt it. I’ve seen how well it charts. Campbell can talk a game but I’ve got no time for him.
Labour lost Yardley to the Lib Dems after Iraq. Phillips is very much looking out for her career as an MP, if not a cabinet minister.
You should listen to it mate, then post about what you found. I think your opinion might change even slightly upon reflection. She might not be everyone’s cup of tea but her story is inspirational, if nothing more. She’s been through the most horrific upbringing, and regardless of what anyone thinks of her, she is definitely on the side of the workers in this country. She is articulate, also thoughtful on how to get things done and understands the constraints in which we find ourselves. Honestly, having listened to it yesterday I was incredibly impressed, far more than I thought I would be.
I'm not sure why that would be labelled Angela Rayner's Car Crash Interview. Take her out and leave it at Andrew Neil's Car Crash Interview. I think she quite skillfully avoids the trap Neil is trying to lay for her. He is trying to get a headline that says "Labour to put up taxes". AR is understandably avoiding saying that and pointing out that those taxes should not be cut in the first place. It's interesting how uncomfortable Jo Cockburn and Laura Kuennsberg look with the aggressive - some would say bullying - questioning tactics Neil is adopting. Little wonder that he now appears to be regarded as a dinosaur and is cast out while Ange looks likely to be the next Deputy Prime Minister.
I think she's great. Risen from the bottom of society and in all likelihood will be deputy prime minister by this time next year. Someone who knows what working hard for everything is like, and isn't ashamed of where she's come from. Unfortunately, lots of other people from working class backgrounds would rather doff their hats and lick the boots of plummy-accented shithouses like Johnson and Rees-Mogg, who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.