Or she could be disgusted at Israeli sponsored Starmer and actually care about children being slaughtered.
She is on record as saying she is on very good terms with Keir Starmer but "with heavy heart" takes a different view on this issue. I would imagine she cares about the children who have been slaughtered on both sides.
The Tory's don't like it one bit when a working-class person tells them to shove their Far-right policys where the sun doesn't shine, as reflected on this thread by some Would You Believe working-class.
Sure she’s been been having some form of elocution lessons. I recall saying on here before the last election how she was coming on Breakfast TV regular and how impressed I was with what she had to say but found her strong accent hard work to listen to for long. The more I see her, the more impressed I have been by her and would suggest UK Politics needs a breath of fresh like her as opposed to the repeated stereotype PM.