Scum is too weak a word. Thieves, liars & profiteers. Only made "tens of millions" out of it. I hope there is a place in Wandsworth for them.
And yet there are middle and working class people who despite all the evidence that the Tories are just in politics to make rich people richer will still vote for them because the paper they read run by rich people tells them to.
Deserve all that comes their way. I watched the interview this morning and felt no one bit of sympathy towards them.
Married to a BILLIONAIRE. £60m profit. Thinks she's done nothing wrong. Apart from lying through her teeth. To protect her family from the press. Scum doesn't cover it. Edit. After watching her squirm can I add. Ctun.
“Lying to the press is not a crime.” ripping off the government you support ought to be though. Those who read “Private Eye” will know that Barrowman and Mone are only two of many government “insiders” who made a killing from the Pandemic. Snouts in troughs does not do this scandal justice.
Didn't she she say she would not benefit....even though she was a named beneficiary in a trust, where the money was invested!!!! Disgrace.
Yep. I'm poor and have little hope but these people coming in will make my poverty worse and give me even less hope. Theyll ruin the country. I'm voting Tory nar!!!
They didn't rip off the government they ripped off the whole country it's not the Governments money it's OURS. And I want it back to spend on what it should be spent on not Lining some Tory bitches purse
"That's what you do when you are in a privileged position of making money," he said. Mone's husband. Bare faced cheek. I'm angry, choked with anger. Self-serving, greedy scum portraying themselves as innocent victims. This is only the tip of a very big iceberg indeed. What happened to our, OUR £37billions given to Track and Trace, which seems to have vanished and can't be Tracked or Traced? Will we ever find out, or get it back? My vote is no, we won't. They'll pull the usual stunt and just keep batting it away until it fades into other crises yet to be created.
It was obvious from the start 2 years ago, to any one with an ounce of sense, that they were lying. At the very least they should have to pay back their ill gotten gains and be fined a similar amount. Hit them where it matters to them.
TBF, lots of that money went on the free tests - which cost the government a fair amount of cash to buy. But they aren't actually telling people that, so letting the rumours run wild.
And on his show on Gammon News, everybody's favourite Victorian MP tried to organize a boycott of Aviva. Would anyone be surprised if we later learn that the same MP was using the opportunity to make money trading Aviva shares?