Currently running at 27% win rate, after 148 games. His win rate has also got progressively worse with each job. Defies all logic that he keeps getting top jobs. Have to assume his name is bringing in big commercial partners, cos he's clearly an absolutely awful manager.
Tbf Marc I think he did ok at Derby given the restrictions he had to overcome. And Birmingham have been dismal for years. Bottom half regulars. Highest place 17th in last 7 seasons prior to this.
I think he's dreadful. Immensely talented footballer, but clearly doesn't translate. Strikes me as a bloke that has lived for the game all his life and is just trying to cling onto it. I wouldn't be surprised if this was his last gig in the game. Then he'll have a Netflix doc within 12 months.
I wouldn't disagree with your assessment overall mate. (I was editing as you posted). I'm not sure anyone could be a success at Brum. Many have tried and failed for many a year. Abysmal for the last 12yrs. 17 managers/caretakers
One of those games that shows how far behind we have fallen. Some really slick moves from both sides and if we go up this season we’ll be straight back down without major upgrades of playing and coaching staff
We haven't fell behind though. We've f cuked ourselves up. Changing the playing style after losing Val and Mowatt. Then not signing Whiteman because we didn't sell anyone. I'd have given you Callum Brittain for free. The best thing about these decisions is they've all been non-financial. When we did try to sell we were 5hit and nobody wanted them.
Enjoyed the game. But was sick of the commentators fawning over Wayne Rooney. He’s done a crap job, taking them Down 11 places since he came in. But listening to them you’d think he was some kind of messiah. It’s pathetic.