Yep the Eastern markets etc would more than pay towards it, 50,000 ticket fans wouldn’t get close to what they can generate in those markets.
Thanks for the compliment, but I think your assumption that I'm "widely understood" is a false one. TLA or not, I have a tendency to be quite unintelligible, especially after the 21st hour of the day. Quite why, I could not say. I'll leave it to BMW and BBC to advise whether they suffer similarly.
It's coming wether this week or years to come you can't stop evolving, some said the premier league or the bosmsn rule would kill football,it didn't. Yes it's all about money and greed has a part to play, some will lose and some win just like the game it's self. Be prepared I say.
The games fatcats whether it's ESL, PL, Fifa, Uefa whoever are trying to mess about with formats and games, ultimately its all to pedal increase in revenues, which in most cases on the domestic setup ends up in the players back pocket. Where's the end game? Players on £2m a week? at some point they'll be nowhere left to go to increase revenues, its wage caps we need not super leagues, that alone will make everyone more competitive and sustainable.
I'm not sure what the fuss is about. As long as its not a closed league, then it's just another Tier to aspire to.
the ESL is the logical outcome of post-industrial capitalism and the doctrine of endless growth, it is inevitable. Just as the Premier League was driven by greed, so it will be eaten by the next biggest fish.
If you read the setup. There are 3 leagues. Meaning you need to finish in bottom end of the 3rd league to be out of Europe. Meaning Man united for example can finish mid table but still be in top league of Europe. It will effectively be a closed shop apart from the bottom 2 teams who get down from star to gold league.
I think the original idea of The Premier league, may have had good intentions. But every year it's just got more ridiculous and impossible for clubs to still want to come up and be competitive. Instead it's an ignorant unwelcome feeling you get when your there, and it's just immediate relegation again.