Very lucky that Rishi has done a Patrick and not gone and sacked someone for Christmas that deserves it.
Cleverly is just another Tory who thinks he can say and do what he likes after listening to Johnson lie his way to the top, remember he said it was all Labour's fault after the Truss mini-budget and called Stockton a sh** hole. Like all good Torys, they worm their way out by saying it was made in jest, denying it, or apologizing just like school kids.
I've often wondered what Right Wing humour is. This is it, along with burning £50 notes in front of homeless people. They can keep it.
If ever a person had an inappropriate name. One of the dumbest members of the dumbest government of all time.
A strange case. He doesn't believe in the Rwanda policy ("batshit"), and the Stockton remark along with the crass 'off record' date-rape drug joke mark him out as not being serious about his policies or his position. A quick trawl of Wikipedia elicits a parade of regressive policies he has voted for, or rights and benefits he has supported cutting. Other than generally being against the disadvantaged, there doesn't appear to be any driving theme to his politics. Yet in this morally bankrupt government he has held two of the four great offices of state.