I really enjoyed the Manchester one if you’re looking for a major city one. Also thought Birmingham was ace cos it was never ending. Liverpool was meh as was Leeds.
I would recommend Cologne/Koln. Its a great city. My wife says the one in Leeds is supposed to be less concentrated this year and they are spreading it out down Briggate so it could be less horrendous
Thank you, that’s really helpful! We are planning on heading to the zoo and was also going to do Tierpark but it looks like it mostly closed over winter and become Christmas lights instead. We’ll definitely be going to see what’s left of the wall and East Berlin, thank you.
In Amiens just now on the way back to Calais and the ferry. I have to say that the Christmas market is very good and the city was rammed last night. The son et lumiere at the cathedral was excellent if only my ass hadn’t frozen to the stone step….
Hi, we got back last night and had a fantastic time, we could have done with another couple of days really, which is always a good sign. Our feet feel like they might fall off now thought with all the walking (and running, we did an 8k around Tiergarten with stops for photographs and then climbed the Victory Tower straight after it which wasn’t the cleverest idea in hindsight). We managed to visit 6 Christmas Markets, the one outside the church was probably our favourite aesthetically and was very near our hotel (we stayed at Pullman Berlin Schweizerhof and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone). We also visited the Zoo which was amazing and has probably spoilt all zoos for me in the future now, and of course the Remains of the wall and Checkpoint Charlie. It was a great holiday.
So glad you enjoyed visiting Berlin, as I mentioned before, it’s my favourite city break and I love the Xmas markets. Did you manage to visit the market at Spandau?, that’s my personal favourite.
If you go to the Christmas Market at Potsdam Platz (the one with the toboggan) there’s a barn tucked around the back almost out of sight that has a great party atmosphere with lots of drunk dancing Germans dancing on the benches Bierkeller style! Every so often they play a random English song like Mambo No.5 or I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)