Looking for someone to fit me some artificial grass in my back garden. Anyone on here who can do that or recommend someone else?
Why do you want artificial grass mate, if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve never, ever understood it. The downsides seem severe and obvious and I’ve never understood what people think are the benefits?
What's up with people? My brother wants artificial grass for his dog. Nobody complains when the football team we follow plays on it.
I know someone who fits and maintains it, Loughborough tho so nowhere near Barnsley. They recommend washing it every week to 10 days to clear dog excrement remains and urine. Folk pay to have it done. Think I'd be investing more energy into improving the ability to grow proper grass but each to their own.
I deliver to so many houses which fitted artificial grass for their dog and honestly their entire gardens stink vile because they don’t clean or treat it. There’s nothing worse than the overpowering stench of dog piss on that stuff. Get a good layer of soil darn and bang some decent turf on it when the times right.