According to BBC - 1,017. That’s appalling for a Yorkshire derby and obviously not many travelled up the A1. I think McCann is on borrowed time. Lost again 3-1
3,137 according to the Harrogate Town X feed. Some way off the longest trip in Football (credit to Carlisle)...
From what I’ve read on “X” the fans seem to like him but just hate how the clubs been run into the ground.
Those days of ‘cream rising to the top’ are a long way back now aren’t they? Owd cheesy grinner loved his little digs at us when he was Donny chairman, and tbf they did have the sign over us for a bit, and played some nice pass and move football. Glad we’re not them.
Lots of development has happened over the last few years but they’re limited with what they can do being right on the Wetherby Road and surrounded by housing on three sides and the hospital on the other. There’s no chance of building any club car parking but there are places nearby like schools opening up for match day parking. Street parking is residents or timed disc only. Obviously it’s not a town geared up for big football crowds and the ground they have now suits their modest crowds. If they suddenly find a Ryan Reynolds type of owner and the club grows then a move to an out of town site would be inevitable. I always enjoyed my visits there, being only a ten minute walk from home, but I moved to York recently so probably won’t go again, but you never know!
"Arsenal of the North" and all that. They may have played some nice football, but as per usual, Donny had that typical, Donny style 10 bob millionaire attitude and crumbled rather quickly
Last time I went to donny was the game under stendel think dougall broke his leg. We filled the away end for a Friday night game on sky. Game was 0-0 and pretty boring if I remember right.
Ye. went in a pub just up from ground, Empress ah think. locals really friendly and asked loads about our club when we said we were Barnsley fans. A few Wetherby Leeds fans who also go to Harrogate..
Empress at one end of Wetherby Rd, Woodlands at t'other but I believe is closed right now due a refit and reopen, perhaps next time you're there.