Ring doorbell asked me to setup a passkey. Since then this site and amazon makes me login twice, fingerprint and p/word. Don't know how to cancel it.
Ring doorbells...... I think you have to put a post on your local Facebook group showing someone letting their dog take a shıt on your drive and then not picking it up. You have to declare that if they don't come and move it, you'll post it thru their door cos u know where they live. Should all work fine after that.
Are you in private browsing mode? @Terry Nutkins told me this same thing happened to him but then realised he was in private browsing mode, for some reason.
Don't I checked it the other morning and there was a german shepherd having a dump on the garden. Didn't see his dog though!
Lol. Just purchased a video doorbell with record facility. Someone will be getting exactly that. Dog **** through letterbox when I cop who it is letting it **** on my bit of front lawn on many occasion and not cleaning/picking it up.
Don't you just hate calling a tory a lovely person. On the other hand I'm agine Stanley unwind frying to written. Al gets mick oyt.