Went down to academy at dinnertime and he was going through his paces with the trainers. Dot think it will be long before he is up to full fitness if today is a thing to go on. However as regards his work permit who knows, hopefully not too long.
Surely if he's waiting for a work permit/visa he won't be able to train at the club? I would have thought that's classed as working for a footballer?
Interesting question! Maybe as long as he's not being paid there's no issue with him just keeping his fitness up? Wouldn't be any issue with somebody going to a gym on a tourist visa, for example. Probably have to be training separately from the team though.
Rules changed this Summer to make it easier for non EU players to join. Basically instead of points you can apply to for an up and coming player who wants to develop in UK. Pines fits easily into that so should be straight forward.