Did I dream it or was their a straight train from tarn to Carlisle weirdly. Just remember once seing it.
On a Sunday morning. Despite the fact Barnsley Council have made zero effort in the last 150 years to try and connect Barnsley directly with anywhere other than Sheffield and Leeds, even though similar sized and smaller places around us have managed it, there is by some miracle a train on a Sunday direct to Carlisle.
Carlisle would have been a good away day on weekend I'd have drove up stayed in lakes and made a weekend of it. Not so good midweek.
I dunno, how long has any town or city council had any influence on where tracks are built and which places are served?
Hs2 is the biggest destruction or greenbelt land since ww2 - I'd say councils don't have much of a say
The was a train to London for a number of years in the early 2000’s wasn’t there? Having said that, the old dog leg route to Leeds is an insult to Barnsley people imho.
Yes, but it stopped bloody everywhere, so you were best changing at Sheffield. Thinking back, the London train left Barnsley at 0806, as I used to catch it to work in Sheffield. They offered free tea at one point, until they realised everyone was getting with their monthly travelmaster, and then getting off to go to work in Meadowhall/Sheffield.
British people the trains are crap and overcrowded. Why can’t we have high speed trains like they do in France. Also British people don’t improve the rail network why would we want to get anywhere faster or have the ability to sit on trains rather than squash in like sardines by freeing up capacity.