Yesterday I was saddened to attend a funeral of a much loved person who had a lovely route to church, on the way we had to stop at some traffic lights and a random elderly gentleman stopped, put down his shopping, removed his hat and bowed his head, it’s probably the most respectful thing I’ve ever witnessed……..sir, whoever you was it was an amazing thing to do. We, including myself, can all learn from acts of respectful kindness like that X
Was done quite often in the long and distant and have done it myself as will quite a few more on here have done.
A remember when I first started work when I was 16, we was on a job at Royston, same afternoon there was a funeral cortège and we was kindly asked that when it passed if we could down our tools which we obviously obliged…,,,it was a moment that stuck with me forever too
A fairly simple act, but one which shows there is still some common decency and respect left in the world. Well done that man.
Recently when I was teaching my son to drive ,problem arrived up Staincross common. Narrow road ,so we waited while hearse sorted out situation.. Person behind blasting horn for 5 minutes. I did get out and told them they had no respect They told me to **** off. If I had done that to them ,I would have been called racist , say no more.
I live pretty close to the Crematorium in north Sheffield. I always stop if I see a funeral come through. When I’m out in my bike, I get off, and put it down and wait until the cars have gone through.
One word sums this up RESPECT unfortunately it's becoming less and less obvious. Call me old fashioned but this younger generation, including my kids and grandkids seem to have lost all perception of how to deal with us of a certain age
We often have a short silence before matches at Oakwell or fans will clap or 'flash' their mobiles at a certain time to commemeorate someone. This is always done with respect and very rarely interrupted by anyone.