Oy. Stop nicking. It's for intro lol. (Note date) Hooky fellerWell-Known Member I remember us using fanfare for the common man. But so did/do other clubs. So timerider for me is more than ok. Although I'm rarely in my seat when it's played. 'Never surrender' by Barnsley band Saxon anyone. Jan 14, 2024EditReport Reply AC/DC after a win. You've been. "THUNDERSTRUCK" https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...wqsBegQIQBAF&usg=AOvVaw2XAW1RNLNPZgFUjtTczjOU
I love Tom Petty’s “Stand me up at the gates of hell and I won’t back down” Alternatively the Ramones version of “It’s a wonderful world”
"What a Wonderful World" was covered by Joey Ramone on his posthumous album. The only other Ramone involved was Marky on the drums.