That's a fair point. Just most of the standard things I use - Word, Excel etc - were designed for Windows. I think I've had an issue once in my entire life with colleagues or clients doing work on a Mac and then me not being able to open it on Windows.
My phone is three years old and 78% so booked official Apple battery replacement for Friday. £85. I asked a place in meadowhall. Cheaper but they said it won’t show battery life so could turn off any minute and will get error when charge so a huge put off. But official and get a guarantee.
I’m not sure why they told you that. I’ve changed my own and there’s been no difference compared to when the phone was brand new.
Weird innit, it was the opposite for me, I had a company android phone for about 18 months and hated it (it eventually found its way into said sea at the seaside) thank god they reverted back to iPhones, I’d never recommend either, it’s all down to individual taste.
Things like document files on Windows are .docx . They won't open either on a Mac, or on open source software, like Open Office, which I personally use for my business. I can however open them via Google Drive & convert from there. It is ridiculous that Windows do that, just as much as Mac is massively about control of the hardware. They are all cnuts TBH. If you run a business, you need to operate with what works best for you.
Repairing iPhones or changing battery etc are dead easy, do mine and friends all time and change screens. hardest part will be getting screen off without cracking it if it's never been off.
Pages on mac can open docx files no problem. There’s also an official version of Word for mac that’s never caused me any issues.
Just had to download Microsoft 365 on to my ageing apple 11. This for work ( Tories forced me back to earning a crust) its free, the software that is.