I think it is a massive positive. Can't wait. There was always the chance of the odd flippant comment from donuts like myself
I reckon it will cause a reduction in capacity because there needs to be more room in front of the seats for the rails.
Only at half way line. I was at back of ponty end did 2 laps of the ground and ended up where I started from
Lots of consideration needed as to where it goes. Eg Not to obstruct the Disabled stand. Also led to believe if the South stand has it. The North stand would have to too. ?
it will probably be there, but would be great if they could make it work on the empty corner (Ponty + West) so that some atmosphere can be generated that side too.
Always thought they should fill the Ponty/West corner in with it, obviously would need a roof and some access.
Great idea. Hopefully those who have forced it by refusing to sit down won't be too upset when the safe standing tickets are considerably higher than all seating areas throughout the ground to fund the conversion.
That's what I mean, United didn't even redo the seats. Looks like they've just plonked rails in front of the already cramped seats. If we do the same, it will be rubbish.
Interested to see how it develops. People are probably assuming it will be broadly welcomed by people in the Ponte, but it will be interesting to see what the consultation actually concludes. Whether it actually is wanted by the majority of people in there, or just a noisy minority. If it's just a section, will the rest of the Ponte still have to sit? And if they don't, then what? Is it fair on those less able to stand, to be effectively forced out of their seats? Etc etc.