Hope they win a few. So their fans start to believe the European dream, only to be dashed when relegation becomes a fact.
Going to watch with one eye on the laptop while watching something else on the telly. Maybe comedy on both programmes?
Watching Wednesday get mauled fills up an evening if you've got nowt else to do I suppose. Maybe that's why they have high attendances. All dole pay and no work makes Hillsborough a full ground
I hope all this glee doesn't come back to bite us on the bum tomorrow, which sadly it has a tendency to do. Nonetheless COME ON BRUM !!!
You just look at their XI and it screams relegation. It’s a great League 1 side but a good eight or nine of that starting side aren’t Chanpionship footballers. I like young Cadarmarteri but relying on him week in, week out isn’t gonna keep them up. I can’t stand them as a club but guilty as charged, their manager will be class. Hopefully he leaves in the summer after taking them down.
I' think ill switch to watching paint dry, it's more entertaining and I don't have to listen to that annoying drum!
Had a little chuckle to myself when just before ko, Clinton Morrison said, I used to play here the crowd get behind you, It’s a sellout tonight. Well I know they count all season ticket holders that don’t attend, but there are lots of empty seats in the home stands. MASSIVES eh