I don't think I can recall a group of players quite like this one, that have celebrated goals and wins so intensely. There's a video the club has put out of the second goal, and everyone on the bench (mainly Disco and Bazaldinho) turns to the fans in the West Stand to celebrate. I love Phillips' constant geeing up of the crowd, Roberts knee slides in front of the Ponte, Mad Mael's crowd surfing. It's no wonder that McAtee wanted to stay here for the rest of the season, the camaraderie is clear for all to see.
Roberts really enjoys celebrating at the end (as do they all) with the fans. Noticed it particularly at away games. Giving em the come on fist pumps. Leading to cheers. Yesterday was exhilarating for em given the reception at the end with that comeback. Really is joyous to experience.
Doesn't celebrate a goal after 10 minutes as he still has a job to do and the outcome is far from settled, as both teams and both sets of supporters witnessed yesterday. Celebrates a goal after 95 minutes because that's job done and game won.
My comment was more to tounge in cheek as before Jan it was often questioned why he doesn't celebrate his goals is he unhappy here etc
Dare I say it, but has that atmosphere started to come slowly back to Oakwell again. Like it did when we started the scarf thing roughly this time last year.