An inevitable sorry end to the life of a man who gave people hope agaunst the actions of an utter sub human scumbag piece of disgusting filth. He shouldn't have gone back. Wish someone could get close enough to put a bullet through the head of the tyrant.
I'm certain that if someone wanted to put a bullet through him they could. The ramifications of doing so, is probably stopping that from happening
A murderous dictator. I thought someone might have got to him over the Ukraine invasion, but unfortunately not.
Did he fall out of a window? Eat Novichok? Have a plane crash whilst having a flying lesson? Jump too high when getting into a helicopter? Fold himself into a hold-all and suffocate to death?
Been quite a few heart attacks aswell they seem to be the ones at the moment, once the weather warms up though I'm sure the balcony falls will ramp up
Just seen a soundbite of Cameron saying "The [Putin's] regime must be held accountable." When is that happening? The guy is untouchable. Also, which party was it that toadied up to the Russians for so long?
No he went for a walk outside in Siberia in the middle of winter according to the Russian prison service which probably means they shoved him outside in sub zero temperatures and waited while it killed him.