I want a gate fixing is there anyone on what can do it please'the council put my fencing up and didn't put one in tosses'I havent got one so we may have to make one but imm going to look on him gum tree and Ebaypls some body help asap we may have to make one out of a pellet but theres wood that goes across and we may to strengthen that really hope someone can help thx.ps anm not rich but I'm sure who ever does it will be happy with there payment'if theres a maintenance man or simply just someone who's good with a saw and drill please get in touch I'm desperate I've a new dog coming and dont want him going out of the front.
Hi mate, I've sent you a private message. I know someone who might be able to help, send me your details on the private message. Where do you live?
Av had a word with McElroy hayes from hayes fencing but it depends on price hes a top kid but expensive and theres lads out there that can do good jobs, av got to get some prices an a.
Am gonna look on e bay,gumtree.if not am sure one can be made by a panel dont think that's the word my memory is going bad. Them what you put stuff on and a ffolklifts pick em up'its doing mi head in proper trying to remember.itll come to me unless anyone of you lads lasses want to save mi suffering if you no wat am on abarth.aaaarhh