Thought it would be nice to have one, instead of polluting the board with various bits and bobs. So. Constitution Hill worked terribly yesterday and is on the heavy drugs just over two weeks before its big day. What do we think? Be a shame if he misses out - and it just goes to show that wrapping horses up for their big day doesn't always work. Anyone got any big fancies?
I think there’ll be an update on Constitution Hill’s “ mild “ lung infection tomorrow but it doesn’t sound good and obviously is not worth risking on such a classy horse. If he doesn’t run, it’ll be the 5th horse in 5 divisions that have been withdrawn and all would have been favourites or thereabouts. Not good for the festival. I don’t in any way follow Irish racing so I just generally gamble on the day. The only antepost bet I’ve had is Sir Gino in the Triumph at 6/4
I know it’s a given at this time of year but I shall be looking those that like the mud! It hasn’t stopped raining for months in the west country it seems
Too early to state choices I think. There are still too many variables. Not a bad idea to have a general horse racing thread though.
Fingers crossed Singapore Pools have thw festival as UK betting option. Only snag , odds not so great
Be a shame if Constitution Hill doesn't recover. For a lot of people it's the banker of the festival. If you were only having one bet over the four days, this would be it.
Not the best Tipster in the World, but this is my top tip at a good price, good luck everyone. Wednesday, Tommys Oscar
It seems to me that so far as racing is concerned there are a few dark clouds on the horizon at the moment. One is the imminent threat of affordability checks being introduced in legislation following the recent White Paper and the Gambling Commission review. The second is that it appears that the bookies have become considerably cuter with their analytics, which is causing the search for value prices on selections to become increasingly more difficult. When the exchanges came along their effect was to make the bookies have to compete for business. These days it's rare to see on-course or off course bookies departing from the current exchange price. The bookies have in effect mingled with the market, making the search for value extremely difficult. At the same time, their terms of business have become tighter. For example, Bet365's best odds guarantee now operates only from 8am on raceday, meaning that the prices may already have contracted following 48 hour declarations. This presents difficult choices, as you don't want to 'catch a cold' by backing a subsequent lengthener without the insurance of BOG. Still, off with the doom and gloom and on with the show! But, out of 28 Festival races, Willie Mullins has the favourite in no fewer than 13 of them, 4 at odds-on. 10 of the favs are dual-entered, so it's risky backing them ahead of the declaration stage. Many firms offer non-runner no bet at this stage, but the prices are shortened accordingly, leaving them as unappealing bets. There are only 4 British-trained favourites across the four days. I'll have a closer look at the 48 hour declaration stage, but I'll hold my bets until the BOG concession kicks in on the day of the race(s). With 60-70,000 crowds each day, I'd say there's a strong chance of the SP's being longer than the advance odds. My only winner this weekend was two 1 Litre bottles of Bell's for £29 on the plane back from Andalucia yesterday afternoon!
I do a bet for the wife at big meetings she loves racing but rarely picks ought so i put an e/way accumulator on, This is how it goes, a bit of a fun bet. C hianti classico H igh class hero R eading tommy wrong I rish point S tay away joe T eeshan I le etait temps N adawi E mbassy gardens