No you haven't mans a fraud jumps on any passing bandwagon cons the Muslim population that he's on there side yet the man arse licked the likes of Sadam Hussein and Gaddafi who between them killed more Muslims than the Israelis have done in the last 76 years. He's a self obsessed narcissistic arsehole.
Galloway is a very dangerous individual. I grew up in the same street as him and he has always been a strange person. Always the boy with no friends. Absolute loner as a kid. Only using the Muslim issues to further his own ends. Let’s see how this all pans out.
Strange result with a local businessman who seemed to be standing on a ticket of I’m not a politician coming an easy second
As a dangerous individual he'll be amongst very good company in westminster' you only have to look at last weeks debacle' in the space of 2 hours it went from a ceasefire motion from the SNP to everything being the muslims fault as the speaker attempted to save his own and Starmers skin' 30p Lee pitching in with his usual well balanced highly educated rhetoric' then you had Braverman with her far right lunacy which a lot of tory mp's still support' yes its a very dangerous place alright.
What ever he is he certainly has the gift of the gab, take a look on YouTube how he put the American senators away.
Absolutely spot on mate. If the mainstream parties were not as pathetic and ineffective in running the country we would not be having this conversation regarding the likes of Galloway. He is just an opportunist and there are a few out there.
As people get more disenfranchised with mainstream politics these are the sort of people who will fill the void I'm afraid. A total parasite who will say what people want to hear dangerous times unfortunately.
At the end of the day, the people of Rochdale have voted in a free and fair election. They've chosen George Galloway to be their MP. I say good luck to them, and him. I hope he helps his constituents and does a good job. What you, or I think of him is totally irrelevant. I actually think his takedown of that Senator during the "Oil for Food" hearings was first class. Again, good luck to him and the people of Rochdale.
Brexiteer, Gaddafi buddy and all-round gobshite. I think Rochdale have done us all a massive disservice. It's not like there wasn't an alternative, they could have voted for Ravin Rodent Subortna (Monster Raving Loony Party).
According to the report I've read it seems there were some underhand tactics prior. Accusations of intimidation and so on.