You’ll be fine at night. Next week for 4 weeks is when it’ll get messy - it’s all becoming one way for that period. You’ll only be able to go from the university roundabout down to west bar roundabout, you can’t go up the other direction. You’d have to go from Corporation Street to Shalesmoor, up to the uni roundabout then down to West Bar. Will be a nightmare.
Will it get Deliveroo and Just Eat cyclists off the pavements - will it hell. Accidents waiting to happen, like kamikaze cyclist brigade.
They would likely have killed me... I had a cam belt failure on the incredibly busy A1/M1 link road near Leeds... even the inside line traffic was pushing at an impatient 70 from behind, the belt went without warning, after a couple of seconds I just realised the Artic behind had suddenly got very close, the traffic in front seemed to have speeded up... the steering suddenly got very heavy but I managed to drag it into the hard shoulder... without the hard shoulder I'm pretty certain there would have been a major pile up and probably my death.
This type of road junction is the norm in Holland which has a higher rate of cycling activity and a lower rate of injuries and fatalities amongst cyclists. The only reason that many people consider them to be dangerous is that motorists in the UK have no experience of them and have an entitled attitude to roads; considering cyclists to be secondary and unwelcome road users.
I quite agree about hard shoulders, should be mandatory on all motorways. The problem is volume of traffic. The primary reason for motorways without hard shoulders is to increase the number of lanes without using more land and rebuilding all the bridges. However, provision of a functioning and affordable railway system and incentivising it's use with taxation would dramatically reduce the volume of traffic. It is ridiculous that it costs me less to drive to Barnsley from South Derbyshire than travelling by train.
Genuine question. After all the concerns etc prior to a project being finished. Would people say The Stairfoot roundabout The Penny pie project Have been failures or improvements. Having used Stairfoot 1000s of times And penny pie Gyratory since it was completed, many times. I say improvements to before.
I don't use penny pie often and didn't before it's changes either so no idea but it seems to work ok however I still don't think that justifies the destruction of the park when forward planning would have prevented that. Stairfoot is such a failure that it is being altered again
I think it sounds much safer for cyclists and pedestrians whereas i think the general rules regarding priority at normal junctions are now dangerous. Only thing I'd say is that I don't think the design of the Cambridge one looks very safe but hopefully ours would learn from that and be a little different
Most reports in the Chron. Seem to say the facilities in the park and park itself are better than were. As for saying stairfoot is a failure . Not so. Imo. Traffic flow through wombwell to stairfoot was horrendous. The flow imo improved vastly. Long queues still but the amount of time it takes to get through changed dramatically for the better. I dont know where you live or how many times you've used that section. But also Bear in mind how long ago it was constructed and traffic volume. The volume has increased so much since improvements are needed for mainly the Grange lane traffic it appears. Or would you rather it stay the same.
Noi didn't say I'd rather it stay the same. I said it's been a failure and needs yet another majored alteration
Like a lot of new developments in Barnsley the planners have done a brilliant job with Penny-Pie. The Park and outdoor gym equipment have been upgraded - there's a bridge linking the Park with Pogy Rec. and recently a funfair was based on the central park. I use the gyratory daily and it's a massive improvement although a check on the timing of the lights wouldn't go amiss - some are a bit tight!
So you are not saying the council got it wrong. But rightly now. Making improvements. Its progression.. That's my view of the situation. As I say imo it was never a failure having to use that route to lundwood/Carlton rd for many years. Grange lane has been an issue and getting worse by the day. And needs improvements. Now is the time. I suspect finances have dictated that.
I'm not sure - can't recall there being one in the past. Was surprised to see the funfair on the central area which is only accssible by crossing busy roads.
TBH mate the Fair was a mystery to me as to why there. I'm led to believe parking was allowed at the Horizon.?. But it sounds as though a lot of ground repair will now be required. Not a massive expense I suppose but maybe a better choice of season.