Well for you Stephen the first question is... SD " Have you ever read my posts on the BBS.. Her.." No" SD.."Phew in that case".....
100% this. Be comfortable and confident in yourself and most importantly be yourself and it will happen.
I was going to say I've never asked a woman out - but I did ask Kay Fielding when we were in France with school and she said "no". Its always just happened organically - from acquaintances to friends who enjoy spending time doing mutual interests to together...!
If she’s not from Tarn, dunt bother Seriously though if she isn’t from Tarn and especially if she’s never been in Tarn for day/night out your line could be ‘Fancy coming to Barnsley’. With Easter Bank Holidays coming up I would suggest either Good Friday or Easter Sunday. Or both if the first goes well
Ask thi mate to ask her. Then theres no embarrassment of getting rebuffed. That's how I met my mrs. Never forgiven him. Edit "Ouch" "sorry love. Stop reading my posts" Or do what a mate did, go on one of those speed date thingy's. Bigger choice. And both get your interests out. Don't say shagging only. Unless she's a nymph. As you are a Satyriasi apparently. (Yup looked it up )
Just ask. Do you fancy going out for a drink/movie/coffee/whatever sometime? Be confident, and don't take a rejection to heart, just move on, don't take it as personal or a reflection on you as a person.
Assuming because you’re asking the question you have identified a potential love interest? If so I’d consider how you know them and the impact that asking them could have. For example, if it’s someone you work with you should probably make sure it’s a casual and polite question such as: I’m thinking of going out for a bite to eat after work on Thursday, would you be interested in joining me? They may ask a qualifying question like "as in on a date?" to which you say "i'd be open to the idea, but would also be happy to go as friends and get to know each other a bit better. Confidence is key. And graciousness if you're rejected. giving dating advice always reminds me of this song.
Great reply. I think I need to wait based on my drink induced melt down at the weekend until my head is clearer. Cheers everyone .
That was the 'first dance' tune at our wedding. Had to take my own copy of the LP along 'cos the DJ had never heard of it!!