I believe it may well be which was why my point was that I believe we should be giving reductions for those who need it not who want it. Also a discount for anyone over a certain age doesn't reward loyalty, it rewards age. I know of an OAP Manchester United fan who has a season ticket at Barnsley just because of the cost, and a rangers fan. I'm not against rewarding loyalty as such and in an ideal world everyone would get in for a fiver but that's not the case so I just think when it comes to setting prices and when there's only a certain level of discount available then it should be spread out a little amongst those who need it and not given out to people who believe they have an entitlement to it for one reason or another. I also don't think Barnsley are alone in this, it's a society thing really. Personally I'd scrap the 60-65 discount because nobody at all can justify a need for it, in fact nobody so far today has even tried to justify it. I'd also add £30 onto OAP prices which still gives them a very generous £100 discount on what others pay and id use that additional money to offer the same £100 discount to people up to the age of 26/27 or beyond depending on how the maths work out. That way we still help out the OAPs in need but also help out the young who are otherwise priced out. Remember without them there is no Barnsley football club on a few years time.
...hope my maths is right here..... For a seat in the South Stand 204/25 - be it Early Bird - Early Bird Renewal - or a New Purchase the price is roughly 30% cheaper for an OAP than it is for an Adult ST. Do away with the Concession and if about 30% of the OAP's decided not to renew then the Club loses revenue. (my guess is a lot of OAP's wouldn't renew if there was no concession ??) If this is right then there wouldn't be additional revenue garnered by the Club which could result in a lowering of the cost of ST's across the board. The challenge for the Club is how to respond to those who want to come to matches but with the present pricing structure can't afford it.
You're right but then if you offered a 30% discount for those aged 21-30 instead would it not logically mean an increase in people of that age group buying tickets instead?
congratulations on your considered reply, in that case i will send an email to the club proposing they increase season tickets prices for those in the 21-659 age bracket by £300 every year plus the cost of living index. as i'm sure that people i those age brackets can DEFINITELY affors it as they MUST be in paid employment . HTH
I’m not sure anyone aged 659 is working… But unnecessarily pointing out a typing error aside, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a post which is completely missing the point and coming to the polar opposite conclusion like you have here. In fairness it’s the bbs so I will have. But still.
I don’t make the facts they just are the facts. And no I don’t think that concessions to pensioners should end. I do think that concessions for younger people should be looked at. The old Passport to Leisure scheme was great
Completely get your point of view here, Pingo. The Seniors discount has been established for many years & we probably have around 1k+ fans in that category. The stats being quoted are saying 75-80% don't have £1m in assets, so it beggars belief that such stats are being used as a case against the discount. You paid X last year & have folks gobbing off, saying you should be paying 50%+ more for the season ahead, so your reaction in this post isn't a surprise. If the Seniors discount was scrapped, I'd expect that to set the club on a downward spiral as prices would need to be raised across the board to make up the shortfall. Even though I'm several years away from the Senior category, I'd be one of those not renewing on the basis that the pricing would not be respectful to our elderly fan base.
Is that a 1 person or 2 person household. Admitted there are a lot more single person purchasers than my day. But it would make a massive difference. My Youngest would fall into that bracket. If he lived on his own. But is half that due to his partners contribution.
Mate of mine has had a OAP season ticket for the last 2 years and he's only 57. No age verification needed or was asked for when booking on line or over the phone.
I think the old senile ******** pay triple allowing the club to make it free to all the younger folk……that should work
Better bloody not scrap the 60-65 discount, I'm due it this year. After going to games every season since 1973 I think I've paid my dues, thanks very much.
They should put it up to full price but chuck in a packet of Werthers Original and some incontinence pants.
We'll all be there oneday, look after the pensioners, going to the football once a week / fortnight is great socialising, an mental health.
I'm easy for what ever fills the stands, I much prefer a full house than a half empty house, Atmosphere simple.