Where was all this outrage in 2019 when the Tories used the union flag in the election campaign but all the non-white bits were blue?
I've seen all I need to. I argued the points you made in your post, you went for the personal approach. Typical liberal mentality of "I'm right and if anyone disagrees, they're the problem, they're wrong, they're stupid etc etc". In my job, a large portion of my work centres around working with and helping disadvantaged families in Barnsley, and I love the work I do. I don't belittle anyone. But no, you're right, you're the one that really cares for others, it came out all so clearly in your reply to my post. Then there's the usual "tinfoil hat" post. What on earth was tinfoil hat about what I said? You can argue that the points I connected were extreme opposite sides of a spectrum, but Hitler and the Nazis did do what I said as a matter of fact. Our Government did do exactly what I said as a matter of fact. And nowadays, there is a push to change society from an albeit small but loud and well funded section of the left. Go on, attack the man again, I really couldn't care less. I appreciate you have your opinion and you also have the right to voice it. But calling people names is very childish, just my opinion - I hope that's ok?
"You can point out that the things I tried to equate were completely different both in terms of alignment and magnitude, but they were still things that happened." Great argument.
You went on the attack calling me an ‘incrementalist thinker’, then went off talking about WW2, Lockdown and vaccines. It’s you crazy people getting all ate up about a 3cm cross on the back of a football shirt like it’s the start of The Matrix. Calm your skin down, it’s the most futile non story in the history of non stories. I really couldn’t give a fcukk as it literally doesn’t impact anyone’s life at all. Only nutjobs.
What is the world coming to. Some on Both sides of the debate reacting as though it's the be all and end all. Most certainly wont lose any sleep. Yet folk slagging one another off for having different opinions. Most like myself preferring tradition. Some don't give a toss. Fine. Nothing to fall out about surely. But I will say this. If our board ever contemplate changing our home kit predominately RED to a different colour altogether. Then I'll be first on the phone. Sacrilege. Maybe if I'd been born when we were formed. I'd have created a fuss when we went to red.
I don't think anyone on the "it's not a big deal" side of the argument is saying it's the be all and end all. Quite the opposite.
Nothing like an obvious mis-quotation. Could you point out in my post where I said what you've ascribed to me?
I’m not sure you understand. it starts with 3cm on the back of a football shirt (that most of the people moaning about wouldn’t have bought anyway). then genocide. so think on.
And women being allowed to vote and other religions being allowed to settle here. Next thing there will be sex outside of marriage and blended families and a dilution of the “British” gene pool.