Think you'll find he's not injured, has never been injured and it's all down to visa/registration/other looney tune reasons....
Settled on McCart, MDG and Earl for the season. No issue with that. Big season for Pines next year, let's hope he is not Dike MkII with 'athlete injuries'.
Was clear as day there was some sort of serious issue, was obvious from the obfuscation and evasion weeks ago.
Not great news for us or for him. Hopefully though he’ll be able to have a proper pre season for next season. Wonder whether the back 3 from here on will be Earl, McCart and MDG or if Williams will go back in there with MDG back in the middle. Maybe even Cundy will return from the dead to put in a last ditch claim. Would be a very pressurised situation to come into though. Hopefully Collins will find the best answer.
Tactical to keep other teams guessing. That would be my thought. Why tell other teams that your main defender for aerial balls won’t be playing?