Yeah, when people say women are exaggerating or lying about someone of the stuff they experience I do want to ask people if they don’t have eyes. The people who post stuff like that on here exist in real life.
I'll never forget when you lot met up for a bbs do and the first post I read about it afterwards was something like "Nice to meet people. Jamdrops got a nice arse." Seriously?
Ha, yes. Men have always had a weird obsession with my arse. I had a mad few years when phones first started having good cameras and men kept taking pictures of it and it’s been grabbed and smacked by randos more times than I could count. Funniest comment ever though was in Barnsley when I was at a cash machine and some drunk guy gestured towards me from the opposite side of the road and shouted ‘look at her Beyoncé sh1tter’. Less funny was when I was walking down the street in Leeds and a kid who was about 12 said to his mate ‘she’s got a fat arse’.
I don't think I'll ever understand why men actually like that. The photos and grabbing and smacking is just disgusting really, that's all there is to be said about that and the shouting comments I just don't get what they hope to achieve. Are they expecting you to fall in love with them for saying it or something? I just don't get it. Now I'll be honest, if I see someone I find attractive or sexy or whatever word you wanna use then I am 100% having a quick look, i think it would be weird not to. But I'm not going to stare or make any kind of comment or anything like that. The other one I will never get my head around is why a lot of people (both men and women in my experience) are absolutely obsessed with the sex lives of other people and want to know the ins and outs.
I’m presuming they say stuff to try and get street cred from their mates. The pics I don’t want to think about what they do with them and the grabbing but mostly slapping (and sometimes really hard too!) is crossing a line. Thankfully there was a lot of publicity about touching being wrong a few years ago so that, but mostly me getting old, means it hasn’t happened in about 5 years. I counted one night out once (it didn’t only happen on nights out, sometimes just on the street during the day, but obviously way more often when out) and I was touched/grabbed/slapped on the arse by 22 different men and that wasn’t even close to the worst night. Sometimes I’d just go home because I was so fed up of it and the guys towards the end of the night must have thought I was a crazy person as I’d get less and less tolerant each time until I’d eventually just scream at the next person. My mate told me off for hitting a guy once (only person I’ve ever hit in my life) but I wasn’t sorry then and I’m still not now. He was a friend of a friend I’d never met before and I think I was more annoyed because I should have at least been safe with the people I was out with and if he didn’t want to be slapped then he shouldn’t have slapped me.
Absolutely crazy. It's hard trying to understand it and comprehend what they're thinking when my mind just obviously doesn't work that way because for me randomly touching the arse of someone doesn't excite me at all so I can't even try to work out what they're thinking. Once is pathetic but 22 times in a night and not even the worst night is absolutely disgusting. I think I've told you before that when I was about 19 or something a lass put her hands down my boxers in regents park (think it was called that back then) and basically wouldn't let go of my you know what until I literally threatened to knock her out if she didn't **** off. I know most will read that and think I was being over dramatic but she wasn't attractive to me at all so why would I want that? Thankfully I'm a man so a simple threat like that was enough but I know how much harder that is for a woman to do. Personally I'd like to see more women hitting men who do it and anyone who has a go at you for doing that is pathetic too Ps, you aren't getting old yer silly sod
I just don’t know what goes through people’s minds. It’s equally **** when women do stuff like that to men as you’re less likely to get people siding with you and you can’t actually hurt a lass as it’s morally wrong (even though doing that is more morally wrong). At least most lasses would come to be defence and I’ve had plenty of men, especially bouncers, seeing what has happened and telling the other men to knock it off too. I imagine most men if seeing your situation would be egging the lass on.
Because as a bloke you say owt like that and you just get "you lucky sod, I'd have killed for that at 19" or summat. Just see the different coverage of teachers grooming kids when it's a female teacher and male pupil. It's horrendous. I remember I once went to a gay club with work and had someone brazenly grab my crotch. I hadn't realised quite how weird and dehumanising it is, and this was a situation where there wasn't the same physical threat there is with a man grabbing a woman.