Well he's not going to accept a lower wage, i wouldn't, i bet you wouldnt, but although we him 12 months for nothing it leaves us room to take another player that wants to play, by paying him there are some ways the club would gain
Sure I saw Doug O’Kane say a while back he’s more than likely the highest paid player at the club now the Belgians have been shipped on….
I don't know why we are going back and forth mate. I am agreeing with you. He won't take a pay cut. So there's absolutely no reason to leave. He may as well stay. It has no financial difference. We can still get another player in?
Pay up his contract and he never plays for us again. Keep him under contract until the end of next season and it would cost us the same amount of money, but hopefully we can get some games out of him. Unless you think he is daft enough to accept a pay off that's worth less than what he'd make for hanging around.
Just playing devil's advocate. By paying him up we don't need to spend money or devote time to his rehabilitation. And he may accept a lower settlement if he feels that he could do that and get fit before the end of the original contract and pick up another club, the wages from there plus the settlement being higher than the original contract