Mayor in Brussels has ordered the police in to stop it, and they have done, under the banner of civil unrest ! Owner of hotel venue was threatened they would put it out of business, caterers etc threatened, all stemming from the Brussels political influence. Now whatever your political views, left, centre, right. Alternative views and free speech, providing it's not promoting violence or harm etc, should be permitted, that is true democracy in action. This action by the mayor is akin to what you would see in North Korea or China. This is the ideology being promoted by the European Commission. Tony Blair with all his faults said that the EU project started as a project of peace and became a project of power. It's certainly becoming that, killing any alternate views of that of the commission. I can understand why the police end up getting involved with these far right or far left idiots who just turn up to incite violence and trouble but, what's next police being called to party political conferences because they don't promote the same policies?
Exactly how many Nat C conferences do they need? This is the 3rd? 4th? in recent months. With the same talking heads and dodgy politicians spending the money from their poor billionaire backers who want to pay less taxes...
The fact lovely person Farage was put out by the plods arrival makes it a good day for everyone, apart from the rabid National Fascists oops sorry National Conservatives of course
Then I imagine if it was a lefty conference. Would have been all over the BBC and Sky News. As for some of the comments above, just shows why the country and world in general is in mess.
I think that's slightly naive, I reckon banning it plays right into their hands and is a very shortsighted move.
Iromically, the more this stuff happens, the more right wing politics will be voted in. Every injustice in the world what has been eradicated, or made much progress on, started from free speech. Once its policed, bad things will follow.
Thing is, it's no more than a Tory conference or think tank convention. If you ban one, you ban em all and we lose all freedoms.
Why would you? But I will say you'd wager incorrectly. Edit.. I would say I am very much in the centre ground of politics. I like ideas from a variety of ways of political thinking, not rose tinted glasses towards one particular. I'd also challenge extremism from either political divide.
Whilst I don't agree with shutting down the NatC conference, "lefty" conferences tend to be about helping everyone rather than just those who can already help themselves, and they don't tend to punch down at the former, which is what the likes of Braverman and Farage like doing most.
One of the worst comments I've seen from you tbh. Associating the world National with Those you refer to!
I think there is an argument that what they're doing is promoting violence and harm, to be honest, no matter how much they try and wrap it up in good old fashioned common sense. Do I think that the mayor getting involved is a good idea? Probably not, on balance. But they wouldn't be allowed within a mile of any premises I was responsible for. And it should go without saying that I don't have a direct line with the European Commission!
Ignore the corrupt individuals that have been playing politics in Westminster. So what you are saying is you are intolerant to any political view that doesn't support your own narrative. That's North Korea thinking pal. These are political parties discussing between themselves ideas. I have voted Labour in every election since I have had the vote, but I wouldn't class conservatism as being a Nazi like many on here do because common sense dictates otherwise. I see more hatred spouted on here than you'd probably ever see at anyone's conventions, that's the crazy thing about it. Tolerance of other people's views rather than bile and hatred is the way forward.
Because there are very few actual left wing think tanks, and any that do exist don't really hold any political sway. Most that might be identified as such are left of centre at best.