Every little helps
Got to agree. Farewell to the days of the underdog fighting for a big draw to get one of the big boys to a replay / payday.
Absolute nonsense. The FA Cup final should be the final game of the domestic season. Replays are fundamental to the magic of the cup. Horsham earned their replay this year. Should just scrap the League Cup.
Interesting to see that it is the Premier League and the FA that has come to the agreement of scrapping the replays. Pathetic what football has become.
But, as the chairman of Accrington Stanley points out, this only favours Championship clubs on the whole, as the distribution changes with each increase in revenue that gets agreed. From his perspective, in League 2, the change is minimal. League 1 will fare slightly better, at a guess. This is why promotion into the Championship is essential for BFC to progress long-term, and every season failing to achieve it makes it a harder goal to achieve, as we'll be competing with relegated clubs who have the benefit of the increased income. It's nowhere near the scale of the disparity caused by parachute payments from the Premier League, but it will establish the same kind of two-tiered competition in League One over time.